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了解更多HP LaserJet Enterprise 500 color M551 is a high-performance color printer that can create realistic colors and sharp details with HP EasyColor technology. You can ... HP Home PageHP LaserJet Enterprise 500 color M551 is a high-performance color printer that can create realistic colors and sharp details with HP EasyColor technology. You can ...
了解更多hp500的外部接口主要集中在机身左侧,依次为 调制解调器 端口,网卡端口,电源接口, vga接口;左侧前端为标配的pcmcia插槽和 usb接口 。 PCMCIA标准稍嫌过时,但是现阶段PCMCIA插槽的实用性和通用性远高于Express,市面上也更容易买到采用PCMCIA标准的设 HP500_百度百科hp500的外部接口主要集中在机身左侧,依次为 调制解调器 端口,网卡端口,电源接口, vga接口;左侧前端为标配的pcmcia插槽和 usb接口 。 PCMCIA标准稍嫌过时,但是现阶段PCMCIA插槽的实用性和通用性远高于Express,市面上也更容易买到采用PCMCIA标准的设